Rainbows recently came together for a morning of fun and Brownies came together for an afternoon of fun, both strictly guiding fun!
Both groups made a promise key ring whilst thinking about what the promise means to them and a painted edible trefoil creation on piece of bread. One Rainbow said: “Can’t wait to try my toast for my lunch can we really eat it?”
Rainbows also learned a new dance, “Good Morning Friend Rainbow” and played beetle drive showing our girlguiding family.

Brownies made card towers and blew bubbles inside of each other to represent the structure of girlguiding. One brownie said,  “Loving these bubbles,  it’s brilliant, but how do you get them inside one another?” They also learnt the song and dance “Good Evening Friend Brownie”.

It was a lovely to hear all the laughs and see the rainbows and brownies smile, it makes it all worthwhile.